Though to sit is to rest
I find my spirit racing
Fighting to be free from
Free from all this coil.

There is a pain within my chest
A fear of harmony
To be just one of the deck
Another bloody Sunday fool.

I cannot tell a lie
I’m exhausted with the struggle
And it has gone too far
I want the ending I cannot reach
But I am the fool
For it already lies within my grasp.

It smacks of sin to leave
Vacation forever the cowards path
But those who know let go
They’ve been here before you know.

The tiredess comes over me
And the effort of will is drained
Gone is the semblance of reality
The lasciviousness of nature torn from mind.

Harken to the keeper, I have the keys
Do you know the gesture
The one that sets you free
Free to race the shadows into the dawn.

Come on play me another tune
One more rumination to chain
The tired eyes to flicker sheen
And men so brake a will.

Well I am just another bloody Sunday fool
Grasping for air tired of the fight
A living hell matriculate into
The beginning the ending I alone knew
So why delay get yours today
After all, freedom is but a metaphor
For no bloody choice at all.